Monday, October 6, 2008
Aloe vera
Theface scrub, shave cream, aftershave balm and aftershave contain flaxseedlignan extract to prevent razor burn, witch hazel to tighten pores, andoat protein and organic aloe vera to soothe and hydrate. Organics for men too by Martin, Curtiss / EIt contains aloe vera, vitamin E, andlanolin to prevent dermal irritation with frequent use, and triclosanfor antimicrobial efficacy. Mango-scented hand soap by Nursing HomesBased in Shizuoka prefecture,Aloe Pharmaceutical has specialized in research on aloe vera since theCompany's founding in 1938. Take Aloeride® aloe vera capsules daily and discover how this can make a real change to your life. As a medical doctor, I find it pleasing that this particular aloe vera food supplement comes with outstanding scientific back-up to prove itself. I am sure that Aloeride� is the best aloe vera supplement available to give to patients and their family. If you are only going to use one aloe vera food supplement, this is the best one on the market. They have discovered Aloeride� is the aloe vera quality that the stars favour and use. Use Aloeride® aloe vera capsules in context, get your FREE guide. Avraham Gundle: “the advantage of Aloeride over other aloe vera products that I am familiar with, is not only that it simply more effective, but it doesn’t contain anything sensitive digestive systems can react to. Ever wondered how good aloe vera works. To lift the mystic veil and get very straight forward information read the FREE article by Han van de Braak How does aloe vera work. Aloeride® is the pinnacle of aloe vera products as you can read from the Aloeride® fact sheet. You are looking for aloe vera, a cornerstone in the herbal apothecary. Well, you have found the crowned product, we make aloe vera available as a food supplement made to pharmaceutical standard and we are the only company in the world to do so. Here is what's so special in a nutshell: Uniquely Aloeride® provides the difficult combination of a full spectrum of aloe vera molecules with unprecedented quantities of them. Uniquely Aloeride® extracts nutrients from our whole leaf aloe vera with such care that even the most heat sensitive polysaccharides remain intact. Because Aloeride® contains all the required molecules in exemplary abundance, it has what it takes to deliver what research has shown aloe vera can do. Aloeride®'s deceptively tiny capsules also shield you from the unpleasant taste of aloe vera and its blister foil makes Aloeride® hygienically portable so you can take them when and where you want to. In addition to being an exemplary aloe vera food supplement, Aloeride® helps high dosage and long term users financially with discounts because we really are here to help you. within the Aloe Vera plant of which 75 have been found. Research has shown Aloe Vera to be beneficial for a wide variety of conditions, including:Relieves digestive system disorders such as IBS, Candida, Colitis, Acid Indigestion. that it is known as the "Medicine Plant"
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Aloe vera
By combining the refreshingly sweet taste of the Pomegranate, and Mangosteen,fruits and Aloe Vera Gel, we have created the "Ultimate Antioxidant Cocktail. You will find it as part of the ingredients in a variety of products, such as skin creams, laundry detergents, toilet paper and toothpaste and you can even eat and drink it, but what exactly is the secret of aloe vera and what are its unique characteristics. Contrary to popular belief, the aloe vera is not related to the cactus family, but more surprisingly to the lily family, which also includes the onion and garlic plants. The aloe vera, aloe barbadensis miller, is also known as the Curaçao aloe and is famous for its medicinal effects. The aloe vera has been part of the top 10 most medicinal plants in the world. Inside the leaves of the aloe vera, you will find the pulp, the aloe gel, which is the most important part of the plant. When this pulp is processed at the production plant, a clear, brownish liquid is extracted, which is referred to as aloe vera juice and is drinkable and highly recommended as a nutritional supplement. Pure aloe vera gel contains more than 75 nutrients, among which you will find vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and various fyto nutrients. In addition, aloe vera contains Gluco-Mannan, a complex poly saccharide which consists of ‘short’ and ‘long’ sugar strains. The aloe vera produced in Curaçao has an exceptionally high concentration of these substances, which can presumably be contributed to the climate on the island in which aloe vera thrives. This website will give you an insight on everything you want to now about our aloe vera plantation, the medicinal powers of the aloe vera, also known as Curaçao aloe, our products, where we are located and our opening hours. We produce aloe vera gel in our own production plant, located at our plantation, where we grow more than 100,000 plants for production. We specialize in natural skincare products, which are known by the name of CurAloe, and contain a high concentration of aloe vera. Come and discover the secrets of aloe vera for yourself and enjoy our interesting and entertaining tour of the plantation and the production plant. The juice of some species, especially the popular potted plant known as true aloe (Aloe vera), is used as an ingredient in cosmetics, as a purgative, and as a treatment for burns.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Aloe vera
All About the Aloe Vera Plant and Aloe Vera Products There are several variations of the aloe plant, but only one variety has a legendary medicinal reputation dating back thousands of years: the Aloe Vera. There are over 200 species of the aloe plant, but only one true Aloe Vera. Only the authentic Aloe Vera provides the potent therapeutic effects which nature has built in it. It is only recently that Aloe Vera has been "re-discovered" and has come back into general use. It was found early in the search for protection against radiation burns that the best treatment was Aloe Vera gel. )Bulk(The purchase of pure aloe vera juice and cosmetics in various sized containers. After being told I would have to be operated on for an ulcer, I found your Aloe Vera Juice, which quickly made me feel better. I can't say enough about the good and wonderful things that Aloe Vera has done for me. The best selling Aloe Vera juice from the Aloe Vera capital of the World. We are one of the few manufacturers of Aloe Vera who make their products fresh. We provide the highest quality Aloe Vera. No lies, no gimmicks, just perfect Aloe Vera products. A large portion of Aloe Vera products on the market today are manufactured by Aloe Farms. Our goal is make everyone aware of what Aloe Vera can do and to help improve health. Properties of Aloe Vera ConstituentsProperties of Aloe Barbadensis Miller ConstituentsThere is a wide range of research from all over the world based upon different species of Aloe. As far as is possible the table below describes the constituents found in Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe vera) with their properties and their inferred activities. The primary sap component is Aloin/Barbaloin anthrone derivativeEnzymesProvides 8 enzymes: Aliiase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Amylase, Carboxypeptidase, Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, PeroxidaseHelps breakdown of food sugars and fats aiding digestion & enhancing nutrient absorbtion HormonesAuxins & GibberellinsWound Healing & Anti-inflammatory LigninCellulose based substanceThought to provide penetrating power in Aloe vera skin preparations and may act as a carrier for other components MineralsProvides 9 minerals: Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium, ZincEssential for good health and is known to work in certain combimation with each other, vitamins and other trace elements Salicylic AcidAspirin like compoundAnalgesic Saponins GlycosidesSoapy substance both cleansing and antiseptic SterolsProvides 4 main plant steroids: Cholesterol, Campesterol, Lupeol, � SitosterolAnti-inflammatory agents. with Robert Ahola, 3rd Edition, 1996Aloe vera: nature's soothing healer by Diane Gage, 1996 {ISBN:0-89281-627-9}Dynamic Links to Research Papers & BibliographyAloe Vera Home PageIf you want more information on the full range of FLP Aloe and Bee products, or youwould like to learn more about the exciting Business Opportunities, please phone FREE on 0800 854 871 or Fax 01327 831000. We only supply Aloe Vera from Forever Living Products, they give you the reassurance that each product carries a full 60 day 'satisfaction or your money back' guarantee. We specialise in health products, womens health, mens health, beauty supplies, bodycare, diet, supplements, lotions, nutrition, relaxation, personal grooming, vitamins, forever living products, mens bodycare products, personal grooming for men, aloe vera juice benefits, uses for aloe vera, Royal jelly skin care and cosmetics.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is grown. This is just one of the many differences in our Aloe vera. DVF and CSL work diligently and swiftly to provide the most effective Aloe vera products you can buy. We welcome and encourage any and all testing on our Aloe vera. And most people know first-hand the soothing relief of aloe vera gel on minor burns and cuts. Drinkingaloe vera juice (made from the pure aloe vera gel without the useless"rind" or so called, "whole leaf") provides your body with200 compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. Learn how much aloe vera juice you should drink daily. The aloe vera juice we recommended on this sitewas the first to receivecertification by the International Aloe Science Council. You probably already know how great aloe vera is for your skin. Did you also know aloe vera is one of the most vitamin and mineral-packed nutrition drinks you can find. Many people drink aloe vera gel as well as use it on their skin, gums, hair and scalp, for a number of reasons. Among the top 10 reasons to use aloe vera include: Energy, Immune Function and Support, Digestion, Skin Regeneration, and more. Read more to learn what Aloe Vera can do for your health and nutrition needs. ) Though Aloe vera is a member of the Lily family, it is very succulent-like in appearance. Of the 240+ species of Aloe only four are recognized as having nutritional value, with Aloe barbadensis miller (see above picture of aloe barbadensis miller, or " aloe vera " as it's commonly called) considerably in the lead. Aloe barbadensis miller is the type of aloe used in most commercial products with aloe vera content available today. Drink only those aloe vera juice drinks made from barbadensis miller for optimum nutrition and good health benefits. Many people grow a small aloe vera plant on the window of their kitchen. While this site focuses on aloe vera juice and aloe vera skin products, we have included an instructional page on how to care for your aloe vera plant. Brief quotes from this website, up to a paragraph of nomore than five sentences, are acceptable as long as the source reference, citedas: "Aloe Vera Studies Organization, www. The medicinal properties of Aloe vera have been known, and recorded since biblical times. Because of their popularity, Aloe vera plants are available at almost every garden shop or nursery.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Aloe vera
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved aloe vera as a natural food flavoring. There is not enough scientific evidence to support aloe vera for any of its other uses. TopSide Effects and CautionsUse of topical aloe vera is not associated with significant side effects. Abdominal cramps and diarrhea have been reported with oral use of aloe vera. Diarrhea, caused by the laxative effect of oral aloe vera, can decrease the absorption of many drugs. We promote these natural Aloe Vera products for better health and well being and share the business opportunity with others together with FLP's Marketing Plan. History of Aloe VeraFor many centuries, civilisations around the world have used aloe vera for its health benefits. ALOE DRINKS Aloe Vera Gel (1 Litre) The only Aloe Vera drink on the market made of 100% pure inner leaf aloe gel stabilised naturally. Bits & PeachesWe have taken our unique stabalised aloe vera from our own "hand cared for" aloe plants and combined it with the great taste of naturally sun ripened organic peaches giving you Forever Bits n'Peaches a natural fruity drink ideal for children. Cosmetic Specialty Labs is a private label manufacturing facility, designed to produce Aloe Vera based cosmetics and consumer goods. Only the finest Aloe Vera products from head to toe. Since its founding, Cosmetic Specialty Labs has become one of the world's leading private label manufactures of Aloe vera based skin care, cosmetic and health products. In 1982, we began to grow our own Aloe vera in specially designed greenhouses at Dream Valley Farms, a wholly owned subsidiary of CSL. Dream Valley was founded to ensure CSL of a reliable supply of the highest quality, most potent Aloe vera available. Dream Valley Farm has over 9 acres of greenhouses where our precious
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Aloe vera
CultivationAloe vera growing as an ornamental plant. Scientific evidence for the cosmetic and therapeutic effectiveness of Aloe vera is limited and when present is typically contradictory. vera promotes the rates of healing,[51][52] while in contrast, other studies show that the healing time of wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal. [edit] References^ a b c d Akinyele BO, Odiyi AC (2007) Comparative study of the vegetative morphology and the existing taxonomic status of Aloe vera L. (2002) Study on application of arbuscular-mycorrhizas in growing seedings of Aloe vera. ^ a b "Aloe vera, African flowering plants database". (2004) Determination of aloin content in callus of Aloe vera var. (1997) Peroxidase and soluble protein in the leaves of Aloe vera L. In defense of the name Aloe vera. "Aloe Vera has biodiesel potential, reveals MSU study". (1988) Cervical versus intrauterine insemination of ewes using fresh or frozen semen diluted with aloe vera gel. Use of Aloe vera gel coating preserves the functional properties of table grapes. (1997) Effect of the combination of Aloe vera, Nitroglycerin and L-NAME on wound healing in the rat excisional model. Oral and topical activity of Aloe vera. Rampton (2004) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of oral aloe vera gel for active ulcerative colitis. But the one that tops the list of popularity is aloe vera. Some species, in particular Aloe vera are used in alternative medicines and in home first aid. Systematic reviews of randomised and controlled clinical trials have provided no evidence that Aloe vera has a strong medicinal effect. [2][3] Other research however suggests Aloe vera can significantly slow wound healing compared to normal protocols of treatment. "Aloe vera for preventing radiation-induced skin reactions: a systematic literature review". "Aloe vera dermal wound gel is associated with a delay in wound healing". "Identification of five phytosterols from Aloe vera gel as anti-diabetic compounds". This fact sheet provides basic information about aloe vera—common names, uses, potential side effects, and resources for more information. Common Names—aloe vera, aloe, burn plant, lily of the desert, elephant's gall. Latin Names—Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensisTop What It Is Used ForTraditionally, aloe was used topically to heal wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as a laxative.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe Vera also has a soothing effect, acting to reduce your animal's sensitivity to external irritants. Aloe Vera adds strong anti-fungal and other well known propeties to this mild but deep cleansing shampoo. Aloe Vera Purity offers a unique shopping experience, none of the products are available on the high street; however following 30 years of customer satisfaction the products are available worldwide. Aloe Vera Purity only supply Aloe Vera products from FLP they give you the reassurance that each product carries a full 60 day 'satisfaction or your money back' guaranteed So you have nothing to lose. Aloe Vera can be used to heal both internally and externally. Aloe vera is used to treat first-degree burns for speedy healing. Aloe vera is used to shrink warts and lessen the painful effects of shingles. Aloe Vera can trigger uterine contractions and must not be taken by pregnant women. Aloe vera is the drug of wonders, whether you use it as vital ingredient in beauty products or it is consumed as dietary supplement. Aloe vera is hot fertile region plant, but now it is cultivated in most part of the world. Aloe vera is also known to have certain medical properties. Aloe vera drink is used as tonic for patient suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. Aloe vera is also found effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentations. Aloe vera is found to have smaller molecular structure and cutting properties. Aloe Vera: Use Aloe in the pure gel; or as a liniment for sore muscles; or as a soothing and moisturizing cream that doubles as a first aid cream for minor skin problems which is also ideal for use under make-up. Aloe Vera as a "Juice of Aloe" can be taken internally. Aloe vera gel in peptic ulcer therapy: Preliminary report. Aloe Vera has been used around the world for thousands of years. Aloe Vera was used thousands of years ago. - Burman described the species as Aloe vera in Flora Indica on the 6th of April, 1768 while Miller described the species as Aloe barbadensis some ten days later in the Gardener's Dictionary.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is a medicinal herb used internally for constipation and externally to relieve pain and stimulate healing of burns, wounds, sunburn a. Aloe Vera originates in Africa, Asia and the southern n Mediterranean. Aloe Vera is a member of the lily family. Aloe Vera gels, shampoo's, conditioner, sun protection lotions (SPF's 8,15 8. Aloe Vera Gel & Juice blend contains high amounts of aloe nutrients including polysaccharides. Aloe vera is sometimes recommended for internal use in the treatment of AIDS, diabetes, asthma, stomach ulcers, and general immune weakness and it may stimulate immunity and inhibit the growth of viruses. Aloe Vera against Cancer Though there exist thousands of illnesses and diseases capable of attacking, torturing, and. Aloe Vera and Skin Conditions Skin has seldom been thought of as an important organ of the human body. Aloe Vera (aloe barbadenis) is a short-stemmed (or stemless) succulent plant which belongs to Lily family. Aloe vera gel, juice and aloe vera extracts are released within various brands for various purposes like to treat skin problems, for beauty regimes, to heal internal and external ailments and to heal wounds. Aloe vera gel contains white crystalline oxidation product which possesses the properties that stimulate cell regeneration and provide a number of healing effects. Aloe vera active components in medications are beneficial in treatment of bronchial infections, useful in stimulating bile flow and enhancing appetite. Aloe vera is also considered to be one of the best natural moisturizer. Aloe Vera, Nutritional Supplements, Weight Management, Products from the Beehive (royal gelly, propolis, bee pollen and pure honey), and all-natural Cosmetics. Aloe Vera based general purpose animal spray for irritations or itchy skin,when diluted with distilled water can be used to bathe eyes and clean ears and is a good wound spray to help clean away dirt from wound site prior to using Aloe Vera Gelly.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe vera can be found in cosmetics, shampoos, lotions and many other common household aloe vera products. Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a medicinal substance. Aloe vera can be used by almost anyone and without consulting a doctor, but in certain cases a doctor should be consulted before using aloe vera. Aloe vera is a herbal, natural method and when used properly will cause no side effects. Aloe vera treatment may be a selective method to treat allergic rhinitis. Aloe vera contains 75 nutrients, 200 active compounds, 20 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Aloe Vera Gel, like most natural juices, both fruit and vegetable, is an unstable product when extracted and is subject to discoloration and spoilage from contamination by microorganisms. Aloe Vera (barbadensis miller) contains over 20 minerals,all of which are essential to the human body. Aloe Vera contains all of these eight essential amino acids, and 11of the 14 "secondary" amino acids. Aloe Vera is a cactus-like plant but is actually part of the lilyfamily. Aloe Vera contains twenty of the twenty twoessential amino acids. Aloe vera gel helps to stimulate cells known as 'dermal fibroblasts' which increase the synthesis and deposition of collagen and elastin (required by the skin to restore and maintain itself). ALOE VERA�S CHEMICAL BENEFITS Full of antioxidants, like vitamins A, C, and E, aloe vera contains a trace of vitamin B12, which is only found in a handful of plant sources. Aloe vera is a nutritional storehouse, containing vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, niacinamide, cholineand 18 amino acids, in addition to many other nutritional substances. Aloe vera juice is an ingredient in many commercial topical creams,lotions and shampoos. Aloe vera gel spreads on quickly and penetrates deeply, leaving no stickiness. Aloe Vera Juicedaily as is or mixed with water or juice; drink 1 oz. Aloe Vera Potted in Santa Boot Our Aloe Vera plants come in a variety of pots including red or black Santa Boots. Aloe Vera Gel and collagen strengthen the skin leaving a vibrant youthful complexion.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel is a clear jelly-like substance obtained from the inner portion of the leaves. Aloe vera is sometimes found in herbal weight loss products, but its effectiveness for this purpose in humans is not clear. Aloe vera juice has been tested in a number of conditions includinginflammatory bowel disease. Aloe vera could be of benefit in certain instances of gastric mucosal healing. Aloe vera treatment reduced leukocyte adherence and TNF-alpha levels, elevated IL-10 level and promoted gastric ulcer healing. Aloe vera gel is statistically significantly more effective than placebo in inducing clinical and symptomatological improvement of oral lichen planus. Aloe vera is popular as a gel or salve for those with burns. Aloe vera products are sold for internal use in the form of aloe vera juice, gel, and aloe vera drink. Aloe vera is sold also for topical use to apply on skin in the form of cream, spray, and lotion. Aloe vera is a natural product that is frequently used in soothing skin care products such as lotions for use after excessive sun exposure. Aloe vera gel significantly reduced UV-induced erythema after 48 h, being superior to 1% hydrocortisone in placebo gel. Aloe vera, plant extracts of Aloe barbadensis miller, is widely used in phytomedicine. Aloe vera is a rich source of many natural-health-promoting substances. Aloe Vera juice, from the leaf, no cooking, nothing. Aloe vera cream appears to offer no sunburn or suntan protection and no efficacy in sunburn treatment. Aloe vera may have some benefit in inflammatory bowel disease. Aloe Vera’s jet-less foot spa system is custom made to reduce the risk of infections. Aloe vera is extracted from the aloe plant and has been credited with the ability to serve a medicinal purpose. Aloe vera is used in many forms for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera has been used for centuries as a home remedy. Aloe vera that comes directly from the plant is a yellowish liquid. Aloe vera can also be made into juices, gels, powders and is often added to products.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe Vera Juice will cleanse and detoxify, this in turn will boost your energy levels. Aloe Vera has such wide ranging health benefits. Aloe Vera juice contains a class of long-chain sugars called polysaccharides (or MPS). Aloe Vera is an extremely rich source of polysaccharides. Aloe Vera is especially rich in acemannan. Aloe Vera juice cleanses and detoxifies the digestive system and this has an influence on other bodily organs and systems. Aloe Vera juice is also very effective for people suffering from stomach ulcers as it coats the stomach lining. Aloe Vera helps restore balance in the digestive system in several ways:It acts as an alkalising agent. Aloe Vera juice raises energy levels and promotes a sense of well-being. Aloe Vera juice goes particularly well with Cranberry Juice. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Vera GelAloe Vera DrinkAloe Vera JuiceMost benefits of aloe Vera refer to the gel that comes from cactus like leaf. Aloe Vera gel is useful for treating athlete’s foot, any forms of burns, muscular pains, herpes, eczema, pimples, bruises, diaper rash, wounds and cuts, hair loss, allergies, varicose veins, insect bites, furuncles, psoriasis, scleroderma and acne. Aloe Vera Research Aloe Vera ResearchHistory of Aloe VeraA vast research has been done on aloe vera and proved to be very effective and significant in the treatment of various ailments, skin disorders, hairs, cosmetics and beauty. Aloe vera research done in 1996 at the Mahidol University of Bangkok proved that aloe vera has reduced the blood sugar levels of about 72 patients suffering from high fasting blood sugar. Aloe Vera Uses Aloe Vera UsesAloe Vera Gel FactsSunburn Aloe VeraThe Aloe Vera plant is a member of lily plant which is full of juice and closes similar to a cactus. Aloe vera plant contains more than 200 species and resemble like desert lilies. Aloe Vera Plant Aloe Vera ExtractAloe Vera Plant Aloe Vera is a semi-tropical plant which looks more like a cactus and a member of lily family which usually grows in the African continent. Aloe Vera, aloe vera juice, aloe vera gel, bee propolis, aloe vera drink, aloe vera lotionHome : Product Search : Change Currency : Checkout : Track Your Order. Aloe vera is actually a common plant in many homes.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe vera, also known as the Medicinal Aloe, is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in northern Africa. Aloe vera has a long association with herbal medicine, although it is not known when its medical applications were first discovered. Aloe vera is alleged to be effective in treatment of wounds. Aloe vera: a systematic review of its clinical effectiveness. Aloe vera dermal wound gel is associated with a delay in wound healing. Aloe vera gel hindered wound healing of experimental second-degree burns: a quantitative controlled study. Aloe vera injections result in medical license suspension. Aloe Vera Keywords: burn plant, lily of the desert, elephant's gall, laxative, aloin, aloe-emodin, barbaloin, abrasions Download PDFSend to a friendLive HelpHealth Topics A–ZMedical DictionaryRelated TopicsWhat's in the Bottle. Aloe vera's use can be traced back 6,000 years to early Egypt, where the plant was depicted on stone carvings. Aloe vera gel can be found in hundreds of skin products, including lotions and sunblocks. Aloe Vera contains over 75 known active ingredients (and probably many more). Aloe Vera gel (see picture of exposed gel, with the useless leaf rind removed, at the top of this page) contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20minerals, 18amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Aloe vera is a succulent, and as such, stores a large quantity of water within its leaves and root system. Aloe vera is considered by many to be a member of the cactus family. Aloe Vera is one of the old natural remedies that have come into their own in the Space Age as one of the modern "miracle" drugs. Aloe vera definition of Aloe vera in the Free Online Encyclopedia. Aloe vera | Aloeride® | aloe vera capsules | ibs, colitis, crohn�s relief information this is the Aloeride® aloe vera capsules manufacturer's website
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a species of Aloe, native to northern Africa. It is a stemless or very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 80–100 cm tall, spreading by offsets and root sprouts. The leaves are lanceolate, thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with a serrated margin. The flowers are produced on a spike up to 90 cm tall, each flower pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 2–3 cm long.
Aloe vera is relatively easy to care for in cultivation in frost-free climates. The species requires well-drained sandy potting soil in moderate light such as the sun. It may not be consumed naturally. If planted in pot or other containers ensure sufficient drainage with drainage holes.The use of a good quality commercial potting mix to which extra perlite, granite grit, or coarse sand are added is recommended. Alternatively, pre-packaged 'cacti and succulent mixes' may also be used.
Aloe vera has been used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing, however, is contradictory (Vogler and Ernst, 1999). A study performed in the 1990s showed that the healing time of a moderate to severe burn was reduced when the wound was treated on a regular basis with Aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage (Farrar, 2005). In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal.
Aloe vera's beneficial properties may be attributed to mucopolysaccharides present in the inner gel of the leaf, especially acemannan (acetylated mannans)
Aloe vera is relatively easy to care for in cultivation in frost-free climates. The species requires well-drained sandy potting soil in moderate light such as the sun. It may not be consumed naturally. If planted in pot or other containers ensure sufficient drainage with drainage holes.The use of a good quality commercial potting mix to which extra perlite, granite grit, or coarse sand are added is recommended. Alternatively, pre-packaged 'cacti and succulent mixes' may also be used.
Aloe vera has been used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing, however, is contradictory (Vogler and Ernst, 1999). A study performed in the 1990s showed that the healing time of a moderate to severe burn was reduced when the wound was treated on a regular basis with Aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage (Farrar, 2005). In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal.
Aloe vera's beneficial properties may be attributed to mucopolysaccharides present in the inner gel of the leaf, especially acemannan (acetylated mannans)
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